Friday, October 2, 2015


I have a problem...

I write and write and write, goal after goal, planning like a mad woman... seriously... And let me tell you I LOVE PLANNING! Problem is I spend so much time planning that it leaves me with so little time to act. And truth be told, when I don't leave myself with enough time to complete each task to PERFECTION, I lack the motivation to even get started.

I have such an obsession with perfection that I am constantly attempting to create THE PERFECT PLAN or to find the perfect app, program, or method with which to create this perfect plan of mine. One that eliminates the possibility of failure and increases motivation to create and maintain the perfect environment and guarantees success.

Its an all or nothing thinking and fear of failure; this much I accept and understand. How do I conquer this?

Guess what I feel motivated to do after asking myself that question?

... I feel motivated to study (boy do I love to study) every nook and crevice related to this issue with the aim of creating A PERFECT PLAN to conquer this issue!

I have a problem...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Lost in Translation

The truth is, deep down I know the Law of Attraction is constantly shaping our reality whether we are aware of it or not. I reaped the benefits of intentionally manifesting my deepest desire in the darkest moments of my life; when the only hope I had left was the seemingly impossible. The result? A true miracle.

So too, when I reflect on my life from my youth to present day, it reveals a pattern; one I don't want to admit was my own doing but do so knowing I was ignorant to the truths of life by default.

Yet still, in knowing these hard truths and experiencing firsthand the miracles we are capable of bringing to fruition by willing our thoughts and emotions to focus intently on the harvest, why do I continue to struggle to honestly believe?

Do I not believe I am worthy?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Like a child

Like a foolish child I dream... I wonder... and I hope... that the whimsical ideas floating around these days about creating your own reality IS the reality... or do I?

Is it an empowering thought or a terrifying one?

I haven't yet decided.

Nevertheless, I NEED TO KNOW MORE!!!

Does this make me crazy? ... perhaps. But I'd much rather live as a Happy Crazy than a Miserable Normy. Pft!

Am I right? Oh yes, I am.